August 22nd 2022
Comments: Mary you never turned anyone away who came to you. Please pray for us.
October 27th 2021
Comments: Mary Pyle you spent your life helping others. Please pray for us.
Joe Chudek
August 25th 2021
Comments: i think mary was born in morristown nj,can any body tell me where i can get her book
Zene Randall
Costa Rica
April 22nd 2021
Comments: Hello, I am a great niece of Mary Pyle and would love to learn more about her. When my mother, Zene Adelia McAlpin Pyle died I lost touch with the family. My father remembers his visits with Mary and Padre Pio, he was witness. I want to learn more about those who are devout followers of my great Aunt. Pura Vida, -Zene
Bernadette Camino
August 15th 2020
Comments: I have read and re-read her life which is full of heroic virtues and have prayed and continuously praying for her canonization.
Jingjing Liang
August 5th 2020
Comments: Thank you, Mary, for your great inspiration! Help me follow you to better serve Padre Pio and God!
July 25th 2020
Comments: I am reading a book on Padre Pio and just learned about Mary Pyle and her life. It touched me very deeply. I pray for conversion and healing of my family. Please bless and protect my sons and that they draw close to the Lord.
Monica Thurber
April 26th 2020
Comments: Today a blessed soul went to heaven 52 years ago. Dear Mary Pyle you were Father Pio’s best helper you were his secretary and the best care giver for his parents I come to you to ask you to take care of my husband James who is in a nursing home and He needs your assistance Can you ask Padre Pio to help me with my asthma I know you can talk to him Keep us safe during this pandemia please I beg and I promise you to share your intercesion with all my contacts AMEN
Peter Alaimi
February 27th 2020
Comments: I always associate her with her statement as a young girl when receiving communion, “I feel the blood of Jesus coursing through my veins!” I pray she intercedes for all of us and that she is beatified soon.
Kim Smith
February 5th 2020
Comments: My grandmother, Mary Carmella Bosco Smith (from Chicago, IL), was very devoted to Padre Pio and close to Mary Pyle, as she not only traveled to San Giovanni Rotondo to visit Padre Pio (and met her through that experience), but she also corresponded with Mary, sending her money in support of Padre Pio’s ministries. Mary would always reply back with a letter or postcard of acknowledgement, with promises of Padre Pio’s prayers. My grandmother died 4 years after Mary Pyle died in 1972. – (View correspondence between Mary Carmella Bosco Smith and Mary Pyle)
Deanna Turner
October 30th 2019
Comments: I visited San Giovanni Rotondo in 1986 and was so blessed to have been able to be there. I did get a book there about Mary Pyle but did not see her house when I was there. She’s such an inspiration to me and I love Padre Pio. My dream is to visit again and this time visit Mary’s house. I’ve read a book about Mary Pyle called “Mary’s House”. I love this book and am reading it again.
Ann Holland
August 17th 2019
Comments: I have been so blessed to have gone to San Giovanni for the past 2 years, but sadly I did not get to go to Mary Pyles house even though it is so near the monastery, I came back very disappointed. It was no ones fault but my own, our group traveled by bus to and from our hotel and I stayed with our group encase I got lost and missed bus etc.I felt my pilgrimage was not complete. I strained my neck to see Mary,s house each time we passed near her house saying in my mind ” there is Marys house “over and over, but the good thing about all this is that I will return to San Giovanni next year 2020, God willing and spend a lot of time there, even just sitting outside thinking about all the people that passed through the door.Mary was a wonderful person and did so much good in her life. She was so blessed to have had St.Pio and his family in her life, and vise versa. I wish i knew them all, but by reading about her I feel I know her, such a beautiful story, sad at times, but her path in life was laid out for her from the minute she was born, bless her. I brought her a flowering plant when we visited her crypt. I felt it was the least i could do to show my appreciation of all the help she gave St. Pio etc. I love reading all about her on this website and looking at all the photographs etc. God bless from Ireland, sorry for going on for so long. Ann Holland.
Norma g
February 28th 2019
Comments: Mary Pyle please pray for us.
Rose Marie Gutierrez
December 28, 2018
Comments: In 2012 we started a trip to Medjugorje, a group of ladies from the USA and Bolivia in the company of Father Wilmar Galeano, a Columbian. After this trip we decided to go to San Giovanni Rotondo and after seeing the beautiful statue of Pope John Paul II outside the church, entering we went where Father Pio was in the old church on the right hand side of the entrance. His hands raised in a gesture of welcome. I turned to him and took his right hand; my sister-in-law Jacqueline Bremer took his left hand, but before she left her travel bag on the floor between us I saw a very old lady approaching in the company of her assistant. I realized that she would stumble on the big travel bag, so I pushed it out of the way. As I lifted up my face, she was facing me. She looked at me with an infinite tenderness while she kissed me and said: “I know you but I don’t remember your name”, and embracing me, “don’t worry dear everything is fine” she said this to me twice while crying. I have never felt such a great love as I saw in her eyes, something supernatural, infinite, I felt a deep emotion and cried with my soul. Her assistant separated us and took her away. The lady was blonde and had an inner light. Later when I calmed down I went to the left side of the church and I found them again, they were not the same people physically that I saw at the foot of Padre Pio, we passed side by side with total indifference but then something made me go back to see her image and recognized her and was impressed by the coincidence of what she told me with Padre Pio’s message: “Pray, have faith and don’t worry.” I will never forget the immense love in her eyes.
(Translation assistance by Christopher Diaz)
Deanna Turner
July 22th 2018
Comments: I’m so happy to learn more about this holy woman. I was in San Giovanni Rotondo years ago but didn’t see her house. I want to go back there someday! Thank you for this site dedicated to Mary Pyle!
June 25th 2018
Comments: I am so grateful to God for giving such a worthy example of Mary Pyle.currently I am reading a nice book on St.Padre Pio and as before this venerable Daughter of Padre Pio is everywhere,working in the quiet.I pray that the Church finds in Mary Pyle a shining example,worthy of imitation and seek her powerful intercession for me and my dear ones.
Madelon Vitucci
May 10th 2018
Comments: I had read that Mary Pyle and Dorothy Day had been able to meet each other. It is so exciting to read this. My friend new Dorothy and her husband worked diligently with the homeless in the kitchens with Dorothy. I am praying they both become Saints.
Fannie Jamison
April 5th 2018
Comments: I have read a book of Holy Mary Pyle, I and I fell in Love with Her.I always put her in the Rosary, to become a Saint here on earth as she is in Heaven. I pray she will pray to God the Father in the Name of His Son Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit and through, the intersession of our Beloved St. Padre Pio, for the complete healing of of my husband, especially his heart and Lungs, for nothing is impossible with the Lord and pray for complete trust in the Blessed Trinity and His Holy Will. May this complete trust, be with all our family. Gods Blessing to all His loved ones.
Angie Batiquin
February 22nd 2018
Comments: As a devotee of Padre Pio, I had the opportunity to get to know Mary Pyle. I was so inspired by her life story and saw to it that I visit her place in SGR when we had our pilgrimage in Dec 2015. Thru the intercession of Padre Pio and Mary Pyle, my fervent prayer for a favorable result of my biopsy was granted. I just underwent a 3 1/2 hour procedure for the removal of my mole. Its physical appearance was a clear sign of skin cancer. I was told by the doctors that is melanoma and that its manifestation was that of the second level of skin cancer. Then again, I was told to wait for the biopsy so they could assess the kind of treatment that was best for me. I prayed hard that things will turn out fine and that the biopsy result will prove negative. I also prepared myself for the eventuality and asked Padre Pio and Mary Pyle to just give me the courage to accept acceptance should it be malignant. Lo and behold, I just got the result this morning. The doctors were so surprised with the unexplained occurrence. The big tumor taken out was not even close to the lowest form of skin cancer. They were baffled but they also told me there is nothing impossible with the power of prayers and faith in HIM. They told me my prayers were heard. Grazie Mary Pyle for the graces received through your intercession. I will continue to pray for your canonization.
Deanna Turner
United States
December 26th 2017
Comments: I was in San Giovanni Rotondo over 30 years ago and picked up a small booklet about Mary Pyle. I’m just now reading it and the book Mary’s House. I love these and I am inspired by her and desire to be more like her. I wish I could see her house someday.
November 3rd 2017
Comments: I am not at present worthy to be a Spiritual Child of Saint Pio but hope and pray with Grace and Help of Almighty God and The Virgin Mary to become one. Had never heard of Mary Pyle until now. Humbly I ask Saint Pio and Mary Pyle to ask Almighty God to look kindly on me in Medical Tests and Treatment I am having. Praised Be Jesus Christ Always and Everywhere. Tom.
Alejandra Molina
July 15th 2017
Comments: Through the intercession of Mary, I ask for the conversion of my husband, children and mother. Amen
United Kingdom
May 21st 2017
Comments: May I ask for prayers for my son, LUKE concerning a special intention.
May 2nd 2017
Comments: Thank you so much for this beautiful website of wonderful information about Mary Pyle that I was looking to learn more in searching up spiritual daughters of Saint Padre Pio. We are so blessed to have them gone before us so we can learn from them. Will be praying for Mary Pyle to become a Saint but have no doudt she is enjoying Paradise with St. Pio already. She is a great inspiration of beautiful charity in all its aspects of generous giving to us and she was So incredibly blessed to be called by St. Pio to be his American Helper. She gave alot and sacrificed alot it seems where she could have gone in another direction but this is where she found her true peace and happiness as you can see the inner joy radiating in her face in all the pictures. St Pio and Mary Pyle please pray for my family and a healing for my current health problem that if God wills it a cure will come. Blessed Be God. Ave Maria
Francesca Adriano
March 2017
Comments: I am in awe of and inspired by this wonderful woman!
United Kingdom
February 11th 2017
Comments: What a wonderful person.Pray intercede for a miracle of grace.
Mr, & Mrs. Mike Trainor
November 5th 2016
Comments: Need prayers to come to Jesus. Fall in love with Jesus and each other.
Buddy Tascone
October 17th 2016
Comments: I have been reading books about Padre Pio for several years. I would like to read about Mary Pyle. Could you send me the name of a few books and their authors to start me off. (writings in English please)
Thank you!
Marcela T. Gonzalez
September 10th 2016
Comments: I love Mary Pyle because she did so much for Padre Pio, she was a true spiritual child of St. Padre Pio. . I`ll pray for her beatification.
Fr Terry O’Connell
July 9th 2016
Comments: What a great and holy woman.
Kim Sinclair
July 6th 2016
Comments: Mary, thank you for all you have done.
Charlene Shaffer
June 26th 2016
Comments: Spiritual Friendship, a love so pure and so deep that it goes straight to the Heart of God.
May Mary be elevated to the ranks of the saints for her selfless love and devotion to God and to our beloved Padre Pio.
Betty Kelly
June 4th 2016
Comments: What an inspirational lady may she soon be made saint mary Pyle xxx
Madelon Carr Vitucci
January 20th 2016
Comments: Today I have prayed to Adelia Pyle for her to keep me safe as I travel soon to be with Padre Pio again, this time in Rome. What a beautiful story and life of a very talented and beautiful women. Her soul was inflamed with the love of Christ and St. Padre Pio, they worked for the Kingdom to come and I believe they have now been recognized as the two very influencial people of that time in history especially in Italy. As for America I think she will be Canonized since Padre Pio said “He had done everything for her soul”.
Mavis Koay
May 19th 2015
Comments: What an inspiration Mary Pyle is! I came across this site by curiosity after accidentally taken to Padre Pio’s website. When I read about the Holy Family church donated by Padre Pio’s American secretary, I became curious and googled her. Oh wow…….I’m in total awed by Padre Pio and Mary Pyle. Lord Jesus, I give thanks to You for brining me here today. Please continue to guide me spiritually and show me my vocation in the remaining tme here on earth so I may glorify You. Amen
Madelon Carr Vitucci
January 22nd 2015
Comments: I am an American, born in Brooklyn, N.Y. I have traveled to San Giovanni Rotundo for I am totally Devoted to St. Padre Pio. I saw the name Mary Pyle on the buildings there and didn’t know about her.So many coincidences began to happen to me about her that I am now praying for her to become a saint too. Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry, she will be a saint. I am researching her because I have been deeply drawn to her because of Padre Pio!
Lisa Monteleone
October 19th 2014
Comments: carmella marachino is my grandmothers cousin. we grew up believing we had a special bond with padre pio and only recently learned that she was Marys housekeeper… it sounds like she worked for a exceptional woman and was blessed to have her..
August 31st 2014
Comments: I am reading Fr. Alessio Parente’s “Send Me Your Guardian Angel”. Yesterday evening, one of my prayers was to the guardian angel of Padre Pio. I had a strange dream about old buildings and being separated from the group. When I woke up, I began to read “Send Me Your Guardian Angel”, and I was reading, for the very first time, the chapter entitled: ‘Mary the American”, and wanted to know more about her. That is how I found this website.
Robert Sakvatore
July 24th 2014
Comments: I am reading the book Pray Hope and Dont Worry, True stories of Padre Pio, I found this site after reading about Mary in that book.
Jeff Ramirez, ofs
June 24th 2014
Comments: I also belong with the Third Order of St. Francis known today as the Secular Franciscan Order. I ask for Mary’s intercession since it was an accident I cam across this website. Can you tell me how to get copies of her prayer card?
Evelyn Martin
June 23rd 2014
Comments: Pray for me, I must build a House of Refuge for Our Blessed Mother, pray for me to be strengthened my Son Gino also as he will be helping me to do this special work..
Paola Francesca
March 9th 2014
Comments: I am italian, I dont speak english…I read a book about her life e then I pray for glorification of Mary Pyle: a very fine e beautiful women of God.
February 17th 2014
Comments: What a beautiful story and a beautiful soul was Mary Pyle. I hope she someday is canonized.
Betty Kelly
February 6th 2014
Comments: what a wonderful lady mary pyle was a walking saint,may she soon be known the world over as saint mary pyle life long friend of saint padre pio i ask this through Jesus Christ our lord Amen
November 6th 2013
I am a spiritual child of Padre Pio who interceded gor me to get healed. I have been somewhat instructed by a voice inside me to attribute a portion of my healing to Mary Pyle who is so close to the Padre. I know she was praying for me. Now i will pray for her. God bless her soul.
Michael G Moore
United Kingdom
September 18th 2013
Thank you for your sacrifices, Mary, and for using your resources for God’s greater glory. Please help me to use mine (both old and new) for the same goal. Amen.
Carlo Mansueto
September 14th 2013
Anche tu sei stata una matita nelle mani di Dio. Prega per tutti noi Mary Pyle in particolare per i bambini ed i ragazzi ammalati. (Translation: Even you were a pencil in the hands of God Pray for us Mary Pyle in particular for children and sick children.)
Maine to Kentucky
Rev. Sr. Maria Renate FSBS
United Kingdom
May 27th 2013
I heard about our sister Mary Pyle some years ago and for some reason I find myself caught up with her life and works along side our Father St. Pio. I will place Mary in the heart of my prayers for her beatification.
Martin Haumesser
Buffalo, NY USA
January 19th 2013
The photo of Mary Pyle with the American soldiers is one I am quite familiar with.
The soldier to her immediate right is my father, Arthur J. Haumesser. He flew with the United States Army Air Corp, 15th Air Force, 463rd Bomb Group, out of Foggia, Italy. He visited with Padre Pio with a choir my father belonged to.
My father passed away on January 17, 2013, Please remember him in your prayers.
Mary Pyle and Sargeant Haumesser to her Right – U.S.Army Air Force 463rd Bomb Group Foggia.
Consuelo Villalon
August 21st 2012
please pray for jorge and magui’s health. for wisdom and humility for us all in the family to help as needed. may Padre Pio and your force Mary Pyle and your prayers heal them. i will pray for your Beatification. amen
prayers for jorge tellez and margarita. prayers for support for their daughters. prayers that jorge wallks out soon from the hospital and margarita is fully recover soon too. prayers of enlighten for them and for me so that i know the best way to support and guide them and keep the unity and harmony and respect in the family. thank you.
Candida Di Frangia
April 26th 2012
I am an italoamericana living in Italy for over 40 years since l972. I read your biography in english. I am a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio for 60 years. You have been an inspiration for me and I feel I know you as we both grew up in the United States. Mary, please pray for me and my family. I thank you with all my heart.
Pauline Fournier
January 30th 2012
My husband has a letter from Mary Pyle written in 1945 and it was sent to his uncle who visited Padre Pio. This uncle had a Mass said for my husband’s brother and the money was given to Mary Pyle,as she writes in this letter. If you want a copy of the letter I’ll need a address. This letter is written on two post csrds and we just found it two months ago as it was with family pictures that we were going through – Click here to view postcards
Gwen and Seamus Flynn
October 13th 2011
We pray for the Beatification of Mary Pyle a humble servant of the poor and suffering.
Martin Shubin
USA, California
October 12th 2011
My Prayers are with you and for you to becoming a Saint – Thank you for all you did for Padre Pio and his work…
September 30th 2011
I am journeying and currently a work in progress. I have read books about Padre Pio and in one of those beautiful, inspiring books I get to know Mary Pyle. I am at awe about her love to God and her love to Padre Pio. I told myself, I wish I was born those years when people like Mary Pyle and Padre Pio were still living, it would be so wonderful to talk to them and ask a lot of questions and being prayed over. I am so inspired
about the love both of them have for the Lord and the Virgin Mary. Mary Pyle and Padre Pio, please help me in praying to our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary that I may be totally healed from my current health
challenges, may I also be free from financial debts. May I grow deeper in faith, hope, love and charity. May the merciful Father forgive me from all my sins specially on my habitual sins and negative emotions. May I draw myself closer, my family and friends into His merciful and compassionate love. That I may never go astray again and will always be a channel of God’s perfect love for others. May I live healthy and long as well as my family, serving together for the greater glory of God. May the good Lord give me financial abundance, so I may be more generous to others and give to those people in need speciallly the children on the streets and the sick. Jesus, Mary and Joseph- I give you my heart and my soul. I offer to the Lord, all that I am, the good and the bad in me. All that I possess, my life and my death. All these I pray, in Jesus holy name. Amen
Vince and Mary
September 12th 2011
I have read the two books on Mary Pyle (very good). So happy to have found this web sight. It’s great. Vince and Mary Crisci…..
Ray Waychunas
September 12th 2011
An excellant topic and a well done unoffical bio. Thank You!
Mario pizzo
September 10 2011
pray that we will find financial help on our mortages on our house. thank you mario
Mary Anne Elizabeth
August 12th 2011
Please give St Pio a kiss in Heaven from me and thank him for his presence in my life. X
Don Seventino
Tanzania, East Africa
July 26th 2011
Mary Pyle was blessed to live and share her spiritual live under Padre Pio. For sure she uncanonised saint.
Bernie Sarratea
July 15th 2011
Padre Pio, you said your work would not be done until all your spiritual children were in heaven… I humbly pray for your intervention in the beatification of this dear and spiritual lady… She is inspiring to all… amen
Andréia Morais
May 25th 2011
Olá pessoas italianas, é com muito prazer que visito o site de vcs para conhecer um pouco sobre a benfeitora das obras sociais de Pe. Pio, Mary Pyle. Obrigada pela oportunidade.
(Translation – Hello Italian people, it is a pleasure to visit the site of you to know a little about the patron of the charity works of Padre Pio, Mary Pyle. Thank you for the opportunity)
Church of the Covenant, New York
April 30th 2011
Church of the Covenant at 310 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, USA is proud to have baptized Mary Pyle as an infant, the beginning of her spiritual journey. May her soul rest in peace.
Michele Dickinson
March 25th 2011
What a great inspiration.
Flavia Kelly
February 4th 2011
I would love to see marys house we were in san giovanni last summer we cant wait to return i tryed to find the house was not sure where it was
Karen McManus
January 26th 2011
I will offer prayers and encourage all visitors to this site to pray for the beatification of blessed Mary Adelia Pyle. Her conversion to Catholicism and devotion to St. Pio of Pietrelcina should never be forgotten. The remarkable works in her spiritual life are astounding accomplishments and indeed “saintly”. “AVE MARIA”.
Beneteta Raobati
November 8th 2010
I envy the life of Mary especially being a generous and kind hearted person. She is very lucky to be with St Padre Pio on earth and in heaven. I pray that she is beatified soon. Mary pray for me please.
Annette Bolton
October 17th 2010
What I wouldn’t give to have lived in her shoes.
Siobhain Flynn
October 11th 2010
Edward Michael Salmon
October 7th 2010
Her guidance through your work on this site will flow through all who visit. Good work.
Mrs. Penelope Costin
October 7th 2010
I pray for Mary Pyles canonization. I have read a great deal about this holy and wonderful woman. PC
David Gomez
Trinidad & Tobago
October 7th 2010
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. One day I hope to travel to the home of Padre Pio.
Gwen and Seamus Flynn
Bray, Co Wicklow, Ireland
October 7th 2010
We were so pleased to read the Biography of Mary Pyle ,which we have never heard of. We will pray to her and for her.
Jeanette and Joan
October 6th 2010
A very lovely–and much needed–website!Good job!
Joseph Levano
October 6th 2010
Thank you for creating this wonderful website dedicated to Mary Pyle, a true spiritual child of St. Padre Pio. Mary Pyle is a perfect example of how Padre Pio can bring us closer to Jesus and Mary his mother in our own lives. God Bless your work here and I will pray each day for the beatification of Mary Pyle.”What you are doing, I may not be able to do. . .What I am doing, you may not be able to do. . .but all of us together are doing something beautiful for God.” – Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta